How to Move a Gun Safe – The Right Way!

As a gun owner, safety is probably your biggest priority. There are so many tragic stories on the news about people who owned guns that were not secured, and it takes a lot of precaution to make sure you’re not one of them. That’s why learning how to safely move a gun safe should be super important to you as well. 

How do you move a gun safe the right way? With a lot of planning. You can move your gun safe safely, but you will need to take all of the proper precautions before you do so because of the safety risks. If you choose to move a safe without taking all of the correct steps, you could put yourself – or someone else – at risk. 

Fortunately, the steps are not difficult to learn and adhere to. If you pay attention and take precautions, moving your gun safe can be a relatively straightforward and simple process. Though there is certainly risk involved, by following the steps, tips, and tricks I have listed below, you can minimize your risk and move your gun safe the right way. 

How To Move a Gun Safe – The Right Way!

So you want to move your gun safe – how do you do it safely? Fortunately for you, you’ve come to the right place. I did a lot of research to determine the best way to move a gun safe, and I found that it’s not always as hard as it looks! 

By just following the steps below, you can move your gun safe with minimal risk to you or anyone else. 

Most of what you’ll need to know to move your gun safe safely is based in preparation. Moving the safe isn’t that hard, but the preparation will be absolutely essential. 

Before you even touch your safe, you will need to know a good bit of information about the safe itself, as well as about your house or apartment’s layout. 

So how should you prepare to move a gun safe? 

  • Decide on your route 
  • Know what’s in your safe 
  • Get the equipment you need 
  • Dress for the occasion 
  • Know where you’re going 
  • Know how you’re getting there 

Do you know the best way to move your gun safe from its current location out of your house? If not, this should be your first step. 

Make sure you know the dimensions of your safe, and follow what you think your route through your home will be. Ensure that any doorways are wide enough for you to travel through them with your safe with ease, and measure them if you’re not sure. 

If there are staircases you need to use, you’ll need to think about how you can move such a heavy object up or down them. Move anything that will be in your path out of the way. Doing this early will prevent any mishaps that come with not knowing how well your safe will travel throughout your home. 

Since the gun safe itself is already very heavy, you’re going to want to empty it before trying to move it. Any lessened load will make the move much easier. This step requires more precaution, because it means that you’ll have to make sure you’re storing its contents safely in the meantime. 

Don’t leave your guns unattended and unsecured, especially if there are children in the home. Make sure you have a temporary location in which to store them in which they will not be disturbed or accidentally found. 

Unless you happen to have heavy machinery lifting equipment on hand, you’re likely to need to rent or borrow some from someone. Before renting, make sure you’ve reached out to anyone you know who might have equipment you can use for free or at a discounted price. If not, you’ll need to rent the equipment.

You’re going to need a dolly that can handle extra heavy appliances, ropes or straps, and moving blankets. Do not attempt to move the safe without these things, as you can seriously hurt yourself. 

As a rule of thumb, you should wear closed toed shoes if you’re going to be moving something this heavy. They should be good quality, sturdy, and have a tread that supports traction. 

Do not wear any shoes that could slip and slide as you’re trying to move – not only will this make the move more difficult, but it can also put you at risk for injury. 

Remember how you had to plan your route for getting out of your house? Well you need to do the same thing for the new location. Walk through the new location from the entry to the place you will be putting the gun safe. 

Measure doors and entryways, move things out of the way, and consider how you will get the gun safe upstairs if necessary. Doing all of this now will prevent any frustration you might have when you arrive with your safe. 

Just like with the old location and the new location, you need to make sure it won’t be a struggle for you to move your safe into and out of your vehicle. You should also make sure your vehicle is designed to handle that kind of weight. 

Do your research before attempting to use your vehicle. If it’s not equipped for heavy appliances, you should rent or borrow a vehicle that is for your move. 

As you can see, quite a bit of preparation goes into making moving a gun safe safe and as simple as possible. However, if you take all of the above steps, you can minimize the danger and difficulty. 

Now that we’ve talked about how you should prepare to move your gun safe, it’s time to get into how you’re going to do the actual moving. 

How To Move a Heavy Gun Safe

So now you know how you should prepare yourself, your safe, and your home for moving the gun safe. So, how should you do it? 

The good news is that it’s a relatively simple process, especially now that we’ve already made it easier for ourselves by preparing beforehand. 

The bad news is that moving a gun safe is still difficult. Gun safes are very heavy no matter how you slice it, and the process of moving one requires a great deal of strength. 

Before attempting the following steps, you should consult with a doctor to make sure you are fit enough to attempt such a move, especially if you aren’t sure of your strength. 

So, let’s get moving! There just a few steps you need to follow: 

  • Get your safe ready to go 
  • Move the safe to the dolly 
  • Secure the safe 
  • Follow your path 
  • Get into your vehicle  

The gun safe should already be empty, so make sure it is closed tightly and locked – you don’t want any surprises when you’re trying to move if the door becomes ajar. 

To protect the safe, wrap it in the moving blankets we discussed in the previous section. This will ensure it doesn’t get damaged while you’re moving it. I recommend actually using tape to tape the blankets down to the safe just to be on the safe side. Now, your safe is ready to be moved. 

This section should be read several times before you attempt. Do not attempt this step until you are sure you fully understand what you’ll need to do to maneuver your safe onto the dolly. Basically, what you’re going to do is tilt the safe upward and slide it onto the dolly. 

This may take a few attempts, because the safe will be heavy and this move requires a bit of an upward motion. It’s important to be sure of your grip – if the safe slides, it could push the dolly away from you and even be dangerous. 

Once you have the edge of the safe on the dolly, slowly slide it upwards and onto the dolly. Slide it all the way onto the dolly and congratulate yourself!

Using the ropes or straps, tie the safe to the dolly so that it cannot move. This is key, because this will determine if the safe slides off and becomes a hazard. Make sure you’ve secured the safe to the dolly before attempting to move the safe. 

Now it’s time to follow the path you’ve already laid out! This part should be one of the easiest steps, because you’ve already planned for it. 

The last step is tricky, because you’ve again got to move the safe. I recommend using a moving vehicle just because with a moving vehicle you can simply roll the dolly upwards into the back of the van.

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! The most difficult part of your move is probably over. Now, you’ll just need to move the safe from your vehicle and transport it to its new location. 

For these last few steps, you’ll simply need to operate the previous steps backward:

  • Roll the dolly into the new location and through your planned route 
  • Untie the ropes or straps 
  • Slide the safe off of the dolly and into its new location 
  • Position the safe as necessary 

Now you know the gist of moving a gun safe. By following these steps, you should be good to go in terms of being able to safely move the safe. 

However, there are still tips and tricks I have for you that could make moving your safe even easier – and safer. In the next section, I’ll provide some helpful tips that can enhance your experience. 

Tips For Moving a Gun Safe (Safely)

So now you know how to move a gun – what’s next? Sure you know the basics, but maybe you want a little more help moving so that you can be as safe as possible. 

To help you out, I’ve put together a list of do’s and don’ts for moving your gun safe. By following these, you can make your safe moving process even safer! 


  • Wear the right clothes. We’ve already talked about shoes, but consider wearing gloves to help you out. Your shoes will provide traction for the floor, and gloves can do the same thing for your hands. You can minimize the chance that something will slip from your hands if you wear sturdy gloves during the move. 
  • Get a friend to help. The thing that makes moving a gun safe most dangerous is the fact that the safes are so heavy. Moving heavy appliances, even with the most updated technology, is hard, and you can definitely hurt something while trying to do it. 

Having a friend – or several – help you move will definitely make the moving process easier, but it will also make the moving process safer. Try asking around to see if anyone you know is available to help you out before deciding you will do it on your own. 

  • Use a moving truck. While you can technically use any vehicle that is qualified to hold something as heavy as a gun safe, I recommend getting a real moving truck for a few reasons. For one, it just makes your life easier. 

There’s no trying to move your safe from the dolly to the vehicle, packing the dolly, and then moving the safe back on to the dolly when you arrive at your destination. Instead, you can just roll the dolly into the back and start driving. 

For another, you’re way less likely to hurt yourself if you minimize how often you need to lift the safe. Even with just the tilt you need to move the safe on to the dolly, there’s a risk. Why not make that risk as small as possible by using the best equipment? 


  • Skimp on equipment. It probably seems tempting to move it without absolutely everything the internet says you need to buy to move your gun safe safely. After all, do you really need ropes to strap your gun safe down? 

Can’t you just hold it with your hand? Will moving without  a moving truck really be that difficult? Won’t my regular truck do? The truth is that moving heavy equipment is not the time to skimp on proper equipment. You should make sure that you have prepared every piece of equipment so that you don’t get hurt moving. 

Yes, you need to invest in every piece of equipment recommended for moving – it might cost you, but medical bills from a hurt back or knee will cost even more, especially if it was preventable. 

  • Forget to prepare. We spent an entire section on preparation – don’t forget to do it! Skimping on preparation is just as much a mistake as skimping on equipment. 

Not only will you make an already dangerous task more dangerous, but you will also make the move more difficult for yourself – and who wants that? Design and clear your path. Take your measurements. You’ll be glad you did once you’ve moved your safe without any mishaps. 

Moving a Gun Safe: Common Mistakes

At this point we’ve covered the preparation, and the process, and helpful tips and tricks you can use to move your safe. Even with all of the information out there on the Internet, I found that these steps are pretty much universal – most resources agree that by following them, you’ll be good to go. 

You’ve read so much about gun safes that you’re probably an expert by now, right? No, not quite yet – but you’re almost done! There are still a few common mistakes I think you should now before you get to moving. 

If this is your first time doing this, you’ll want to pay attention to – and avoid – these mistakes while you’re moving your safe. 

So what mistakes do beginners make (and you need to avoid)? 

  • Going too fast 
  • Low quality equipment 
  • Not tightening straps properly 

Going too fast makes moving your safe even more dangerous, and surely you don’t want that. 

Make sure you’re moving your safe at a time where you have plenty of time and don’t have anything you need to do coming up. By rushing, you can make mistakes during the process or put yourself at risk for injury. 

It’s good to be efficient, but don’t try to move the safe too quickly. Take it slow and steady so that you can focus on the task at hand.

Sure you got the equipment, but did you get the cheapest equipment you could find? Maybe that works for simple equipment, but moving a safe is a big deal. 

Investing in the best equipment is an investment in the safety and ease of your moving process. 

Get a dolly that won’t buck under the weight of your safe and use straps that are still strong. If your equipment is too old or too weak, you may not reap the full benefits of being prepared. 

Not tightening the straps properly is a biggie, because it wreck your move if it is not done properly. One of the reasons that I advised investing in good equipment is that if you don’t, your safe can fall and pose a risk. 

However, if you don’t use your equipment properly, you can also be faced with additional risk. Before moving your safe on the dolly, double check to see if the straps are tied down tight enough. 

If not, make an adjustment. This is also one of the reasons going slowly will help you out. If something happens and the straps loosen, you may be able to catch it before the safe actually falls. 

Trying to catch the safe if it falls is one of the most dangerous things you can do while attempting to move a gun safe. If your safe falls, let it. You risk personal injury and injury to anyone helping you if you try to catch something as heavy as a safe. 

You are better off letting it fall and attempting to move it from it’s new position. Catching it is dangerous, and your safety is worth more than whatever damage a falling safe could potentially cause. 

Can I Move a Gun Safe By Myself?

Whether or not you want to move a gun safe by yourself is really up to you. Having helping hands can certainly make moving a gun safe easier, and that might be helpful for you if you are unsure how well prepared you are for such a move. However, you might not be able to find people to help out. It depends on you and your needs. 

The truth is, having people help you move your gun safe will undoubtedly make moving your gun safe easier and faster. 

Many resources recommend having up to three people helping, some to look out and others to help with the physical moving. Furthermore, the moral support of having people with you might be a benefit in and of itself. 

Overall, if you are considering whether or not you should get help to move your gun safe, there are a few questions you should consider before making your decision. 

Questions To Ask: 

  • Am I strong enough for a move? 
  • Do I know professional movers or similar? 
  • Will either location be difficult to move through?

The first is one of the most important questions. As I mentioned earlier, you may want to be checked out by a doctor if you’re thinking about trying to move something this heavy. 

This is especially true if you are unsure if you’re strong enough, or if you aren’t regularly lifting heavy equipment or at least weights at the gym. If you or your doctor doubt if you are strong enough or healthy enough to make this move, you should definitely consider asking friends for help before attempting. 

Do you know people who are professional movers or something similar? Before deciding to move your gun safe solo, ask yourself if you know someone who could probably help you.

 If you know any professional movers, or anyone who has to move heavy equipment as part of their job, ask them if they are willing to help you. You could even offer them money for their services, and save yourself the hassle and cost of hiring a full move crew. 

And who knows, they may offer their services for free just as a favor. And even if they aren’t available to help, make sure you ask for advice about the best way to make your move. 

The last question you should ask yourself is how difficult the move will be – if there are stairs, or frequent turns, or any other difficulties in either the initial location or the second location.

 If your move will be more difficult than the typical move, you may want to consider asking for help with moving. Even if you think you can do it yourself, it could make the process less stressful and physically taxing if you get a few friends together who can help you out. 

As you can see, there are a few reasons why you should at least consider moving your gun safe with friends instead of solo. However, if you’re confident in your abilities, I won’t discourage you. Simple be precautious and extra prepared. 

Should I Hire a Gun Safe Mover?

Whether or not you should hire a gun safe mover is a question much like the question of whether or not you should move your gun safe alone or with some friends

While you don’t technically need help, it can certainly be helpful, and make moving your gun safe safer and easier. 

However, with a mover, there are certainly some additional benefits. With a mover, you can expect to skip out on most of the preparation and planning that comes with moving a gun safe. 

While you still might have to plan a route, you won’t need to find your own equipment, truck, or helpers to help you move the safe. 

Using a gun safe mover is convenient, which is why many people choose to use their services. 

After all, what need is there to move a gun safe yourself if all you need to do is hire someone else to? However, if you don’t think you have the funds to hire a mover – or if you simply rather do it yourself – you still have all of the tools to do so.

Overall, consider a mover if you… 

  • Have the resources to do so
  • Are on a time limit, and need the safe moved quickly
  • Don’t want to acquire your own equipment 
  • Are not strong or healthy enough to do so 
  • Are unsure that you can move the safe yourself safely 

If any of these questions are true for you, you may want to consider using an official mover to move your safe instead of doing it by yourself or with a few friends or family members. 

It might cost you – prices can be as low as $175 to as high as $525 – but for some people, the peace of mind and ease might be worth it. 


Member of the Eastern Nebraska Gun Club, firearm enthusiast and blogger.

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