Do Gun Safes Need To Be Airtight?

While browsing at gun safes online the question came up in my search. I never had considered if a gun safe was actually completely airtight. Maybe it was common knowledge but I wasn’t sure until I did some research.

Do gun safes need to airtight? In order to have stable humidity and temperature inside a gun safe air flow must be able to go in and out. Gun safes don’t need to be airtight they need to be climate controlled. Instead of keeping all air out, the safe should be able to manage to keep conditions inside adequate.

It is important to note that a quality safe should come very close to airtight.

Depending on what the air is like outside the safe. A safe should protect your guns from too much humidity so proper airflow is required inside.

Air is going to leak in through the doors on most home safes. When using products to control climate inside the safe like a dehumidifier, it is best to have somewhere for the moisture to be removed. These products would not work as well in a airtight safe.

Even fireproof safes are not airtight until the gaskets are heated and expanded to seal the air from inside and outside the safe. If a safe was airtight when the door was opened moisture could come inside and become trapped. Humidity is a big factor for the inside of a gun safe.

Because managing humidity can be an obstacle for some owners a airtight safe might seem the best solution. Quality safes that are built well are nearly airtight already. The better solution is to know by observation and measuring if your safe has too much moisture.

Modifying the inside of your safe can be an easy solution to prolong the life of your stored guns. Various products and methods are out there to ensure your gun safe is handling everything to the best.

Proper Gun Safe Setup: What To Consider

Instead of trying to get a gun safe to be completely airtight. A climate where the temperature and humidity is stable should be the goal. Air flow is a good thing but safes are very close to airtight. The inside of a safe can be the perfect environment for mildew and mold. Especially if the safe is somewhere very warm and humid.

Controlling the inside humidity is crucial. Keeping a humidity level around 30-40% is ideal and can prevent rusting. Condensation forming from warmer outside air rushing in can increase humidity after being trapped inside the safe. This can be prevented by keeping the inside temperature controlled so that is remains stable and balanced to the outer room it is located.

Depending on the situation the inside of safe can be slightly heated by an electric rod. Also called dry rods or golden rods. The rods give off warm air that circulates and prevents condensation. The warm air rises up and the colder air drops down creating continuous air circulation. This air flow dries up any moisture and prevents the inside from becoming too damp and humid.

Another method is to use a type of dehumidifier that directly absorbs moisture. These operate the same as a desiccant like you would see in a bag of jerky or a shoe box. They come in different models and products but need to be emptied of the water they absorb regularly.

Most have indicators to show when they are full. Some need to be recharged in the oven before they can be reused. Look for one that not acid based. Acid if spilled in safe will eat away at anything it comes into contact with.

Dry Rod DehumidifierDesiccant Dehumidifier
No maintenance Maintenance Required
Requires electricity No electricity needed
Price: $15-20 Price: $30-50

Gun safes are not airtight and if they were certain problems would still happen if not become worse. No safe is actually air proof and that is not something to worry about. A lot of safes are made to protect from other more serious threats than just outside air.

Fire and water proof gun safes

If a gun safe is not air tight then how can they be fireproof? Gun safes are commonly thought to be fireproof. Unfortunately no safe is actually fireproof. Gun safes are fire rated by how resistant and for how long they can take fire and extreme temperatures. In the event of a fire the inside of the safe will not exceed 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

This is how Gun safes are marketed. Be aware though that a lot of manufactures are running their own tests and are taking advantage of uneducated customers. Claiming their gun safes to be fireproof with misleading information. Same can be said with waterproof gun safes.

Choose the right gun safe for your purpose.

Deciding on which safe will fit your needs. To get started first decide where the safe is going to be located. The area of available space in your home will help determine the size of gun safe you can fit. Know what guns you are going to store in the safe first. Extra firearm accessories including ammunition should be considered. Also think ahead and leave room for future items that will be added.

Measure the amount of valuables your are going to store. The higher the amount the more it is recommended to invest.

3 common ways a safe is penetrated

  1. Safe doors are pried open
  2. Safe is stolen
  3. Safe is cut open

What to look for in a gun safe

Shopping for safes can seem easy but look out for what seems like a good safe but is actually low quality. A lot of safes are being imported and the quality of the safes has gone down. This started when manufacturers wanted to get their safes to bigger markets. They sold them to large merchants who made deals based on price points. The merchants are not specialized in security and this has brought a lot poorly designed safes. Since a safe is where your keeping valuables together they are worth investing into. Just make sure your making a smart investment and not being deceived.

Here are some points to consider:

  • How much steel is used
  • Thicker is not always better
  • Avoid safes with spot welds, continuous weld frames are superior
  • Reinforced inner frame around door
  • Where Bolt down anchor locks are located. Four on each corner provides the best security
  • 4-way bolt work on door
  • Body thickness is same or more as door.

Related Questions

Why don’t they make airtight or completely sealed gun safes? Most quality safes are built using “Palusol Seal” which expands when heated and stops fire and smoke from entering the safe. Under extreme conditions this can still be compromised. Even so if a safe were to be completely sealed. Pressure could build up on the inside and cause it to explode without somewhere for it to escape. In case of a house fire collapsing structure can damage a safe and open up any seals.

What is better digital or dial locks? A digital lock is a electronic keypad that uses a code for opening the safe door. They are usually battery operated and are more expensive then dial locks. A digital lock allows for quicker entry compared to dial. Digital is also easier to change pass code and does not require taking apart important features of safe. Extra security can be enabled like user lock out for failed attempts.

A dial lock operates mechanically and requires more effort to open safe. This means instead of entering a pass code by typing, a dial must be turned the correct way after selecting the numbers. In a emergency situation the safe will take longer to access. Dial locks do not require a power source and last longer than digital locks. The pass code is harder to change on mechanical locks and can require a locksmith.

Digital LockDial lock
More Maintenance Less Maintenance
Fast Entry Slower Entry
Set own pass code Factory pass code

Biometric Gun Safe

Another option for locking and accessing your safe is biometric. A biometric safe will store biological data it turns into a password.

Most biometric gun safes use fingerprint identification. They can store up to one hundred fingerprints.

Instead of memorizing a pass code or combination your unique human characteristics act as a key to unlock your safe.

Accessing your gun safe using biometric locks is faster than typing in a passcode or combination.

What safe brands are made in the US? The quality of American made safes is hard to match. With a lot of brands to chose from to find the safe that’s right for your needs. Here is a list of good American companies that manufacture many different types of home safes.

  • Pendleton Safes
  • AMSEC: American Security
  • V-Line
  • Browning
  • Vault Pro USA
  • Fort Knox Vaults
  • Truck Vault
  • Heritage Safe Company
  • Rhino Safe
  • Liberty Safes
  • Winchester


Member of the Eastern Nebraska Gun Club, firearm enthusiast and blogger.

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