What Is a Convertible Gun Safe?

Safety is the most important in gun safes. There are many different types of gun safes depending on your preferences and needs for securing your weapons. Safes will vary in weight, appearance, and even function. A convertible gun safe is one such method of securing your guns and other weapons to your desired specification and needs. 

What is a convertible gun safe? Just as the name suggests, these gun safes change their orientation. Gun safes have adjustable shelves and compartments to fit your weapons safely inside. These can be very useful if you have a variety of weapons of different sizes or are adding new additions consistently. 

Convertible gun safes are another secure option in storing your guns. Many people prefer them for their flexibility and ease of use. At the same time, they may have their shortcomings. They are not as heavy-duty as a standard safe. Below you’ll find all you need to know about these safes and if they might be the right option for you! 

What Is a Convertible Gun Safe? 

Firstly, it is important to note why we use gun safes in the first place! Guns are used to protect ourselves, hunt, and are collected by many people. 

Guns are very dangerous and should be secured to ensure nothing happens as an accident. Gun safes are a way to safely contain your guns!

Why should you get a safe? To:

  • Prevent accidents with guns being loaded and released. This is often due to a child or someone who is not familiar with guns playing with them. A safe will ensure that this is not able to happen
  • Prevent theft. May people want to get their arms on weapons. An easy way is to break into someone’s house to steal their guns. If the weapons are secure and out of sight, there should be not problems in hiding their guns. 
  • Keep all weapons in a similar location. Guns should not just be randomly splayed across a home, so this is a great way to keep track of all your things.

Convertible gun safes are free-standing locked devices that allow you to store your guns to your specifications. With adjustable shelving and interior, it is easy to cater them to fit all the weapons in your possession. 

Convertible gun safes are usually not even safes. They are secure cabinets that can be locked and kept away safely. 

The most popular convertible gun cabinet is the Stand-On Convertible 18-Gun Cabinet. This is resoundingly the most popular and one of the only convertible gun safe storage systems on the market. 

Convertible storage systems are important to many, but not so much so that this type of storage system has taken over the market. In the next section, you will not only understand the differences between convertible and regular gun safes, but also look at recommendations for popular and secure convertible gun safes. 

Convertible Gun Safe Vs Regular Gun Safe 

Convertible safes are very similar to your typical regular gun safe. They are usually heavy and with secure locks to make sure nothing will interfere with their effectiveness. But there are common differences that may impact your decision making. 

As mentioned, most convertible units are not technically safes. This may deter some people from buying this option in the first place. A cabinet is a lighter and sometimes less secure option. It is also usually less expensive. 

Most convertible gun storage units on the market today are gun cabinets. People really like them for storage, but they may be easier to break into than a heavy-duty safe. It will keep children away though. 

This is crucial if there are small children around the house who may get into things they shouldn’t.

Many gun owners choose the cabinet route because they are less expensive. Gun safes are actually fairly large investments and many people may not have the funding to get one. Having a gun cabinet is a significantly safer option than having no way to secure your guns at all. 

Many gun owners say that this type of convertible cabinet was very popular when they first started keeping guns in their home. It is a fairly inexpensive option. This means you can make a strong effort to secure your items but not as securely as a heavy safe. 

The main drawback here is theft. It is much easier for a thief to break in and steal weapons in the cabinet than in a real safe. 

Gun cabinets are also usually better looking and more visually appealing than a safe. People use these cabinets to show off their guns. They are often nicely designed or decorated, unlike a safe which has the primary purpose of security. 

The cabinets are often put on display or at least have a more appealing appearance. 

Get a convertible gun safe if you want to:

  • Save money (these usually waiver at $350 or under. Really impressive safes can waiver around $1,000 if it has significantly high-tech features)
  • Have freedom in shelving and placement 
  • Need to easily move it (Gun safes are known for being incredibly heavy. Dollies and equipment to move safes will actually break if the safe is too heavy. You do not have as many issues with this compared to a convertible safe cabinet)

Stick to a regular safe for:

  • Protecting a large collection from crime (Because of the bolting down mechanisms, the heavy safe, and location you choose to put it, there is less crime and accidents likely to occur as a result)
  • Feeling more comfortable knowing that no one can get inside (very heavy-duty safes will make you feel at ease because people do not have an easy ability to break into them or a child cannot come and just open it)
  • More brands and reviews of different products to choose from (there are so many brands of safes and cabinets. This makes it a difficult decision, but also one that is helpful in that there are lots of options to choose from)

When selecting your convertible cabinet or safe, there are many popular convertibles on the market. 

  1. Stack-On Products Sentinel 18-Gun Fully Convertible Steel Security Cabinet

Stack-On was by far the most common result when shopping for these convertible gun safes. They are trusted by consumers and offer a variety of safes that will hold different amounts of weapons. 

The 18-gun safe was the most popular. It can be found for around $200. Some of the features for this one include: a three-point locking system for maximum security (better locking system than other safes) and fully convertible shelves that will sit snuggly and easily into the cabinet if they are not in use. 

It is also nicely decorated and often times will be put in a display if you are able to still keep it secure in a home. 

  1. Armorguard 18-Gun Fire Resistant Convertible Safe with Electronic Lock

Coming in at about $350, this safe is also a great seller for gun owners. This cabinet and safe have a two-part locking system that engage to ensure that your weapons are secure. This device uses heavy duty locking bolts so give the owner some confidence that it will not be able to be broken into. 

Behind the lock sits a steel plate, making it even harder to break into the safe. It is always better to be more secure and prepared than less. It also has carpeted floors to make sure gun handles are touching something secure and not allowing scratches on rifles. This is another great option if you are in the market for an adjustable gun safe. 

  1. UNION SAFE COMPANY 10 Gun Electronic Security Safe

According to reviews, this ten gun safe is very popular, safe, convenient to use, and good quality. It costs around $350. 

Some of its important and attractive features include: option of a key or keyless system (this is a really cool option in that you do not need an old-fashioned key to open a safe) and an easy ability to set and change a code for access to the contents of the safe. This safe can be free-standing or permanently mounted based upon your preferences.  

  1. First Watch 8-Gun RTA Security Cabinet with Electronic Locking System

Finally, for a more budget friendly option at $180, this 8-gun system is popular and has received good reviews. Costs associated with the safes and cabinets will also be accustomed to size. The 18-gun safes mentioned above is almost double the price but they also hold significantly more weaponry. 

This smaller case offers an electronic locking system, making it harder to break into. It boasts two-way locking with four locking bolts for extra security. Most of them are actually a glossy glass paint finish for displaying. 

These recommendations will give you many options in choosing the right cabinet or safe for you. There are plenty of other choices on the market, but these are the most popular. They are also accompanied by good reviews, making them safe and secure options as well.  

How To Use a Convertible Gun Safe 

As with any other type of safe that is protecting your valuables, it is important to know the ins and outs of how to use it. 

To use a convertible gun safe, you should:

  • Read about how it works 
  • Put it in a secure location 
  • Make sure all pieces are secure 
  • Know how to use your locks 
  • Keep keys close 

Read about how it works. Reading the instruction manual is key in understanding how your specific system works. There may be special instructions for your specific device and knowing how to set it up will be important to make sure it is absolutely secure. Because there are moving parts, know exactly what you are working with and how to adjust shelving. 

Put it in a secure location. Just like for any safe or contraption that holds weapons, selecting a location is important. Some of these will have bolting opportunities to ensure security, but many of them do not. 

This feature is more common in safes specifically to make sure they are not moved. This convertible gun safety cabinet may be used more for short-term use and you will not have to worry about getting it around. For others, this is their “starter safe.”

Make sure all moving pieces are secure. If you are using a system that can handle a lot of weight, you will want to make sure that the metal shelves are inserted correctly. 

The last thing you want is a shelf not being securely in place and having the potential for firearms or accessories to fall off within the cabinet. 

Know how to use your locks. Many of these cabinets will work with a combination lock. Using a combination lock is easy and the user manual should tell you what this code will be (or you can set it up yourself). 

Make sure you do not have the combination lying around especially if it gives you one in a user guide. This would be a great clue for a thief if they were able to find that information. Typical safes often have intricate systems. 

Keep keys close and secure. Some may operate on a key-based system. Keep this key in a secure location in which only you know where it is. Extra precautions must be taken seriously as guns are very dangerous weapons. 

Of course, weapons should not be loaded to ensure for maximum safety. Some people do not abide by this idea because they figure a safe is already protecting them. 

These are things to consider when setting up your convertible gun space. It is a fairly straight forward process. The main objective is to secure your weapons in a safe way. Following these steps will help you accomplish just that. 

They are more safety precautions than anything else because set up is quite simple. There are just specific things to keep in mind when properly securing your valuable items. 

Convertible Gun Safes: The Pros and Cons

You may be wondering if a convertible gun safe is right for you! If this article has not convinced or turned you away from this type of safe, here are the pros and cons of this equipment. 


  • Specific shelving

The main reason to buy a convertible gun safe is to make sure all your weapons fit properly. With a standard safe, you may not be able to choose the number and height of shelving within.

This is not helpful for people with guns of multiple sizes and varying in number. Choosing a convertible will allow for this movement to take place! 

  • Multiple uses

Gun safes are not only used for storing weapons, you can keep all valuables in here. The shelves can be moved to hold things such as money, jewelry, and other valuables. 

Being able to change the orientation of the inside will allow for the greatest safety and flexibility in terms of what items will be able to fit. 


  • Will not prevent heat damage

Many convertible gun safes do not prevent you from fire damage. This will be particularly dangerous if there is some type of high heat or fire that your safe is exposed to. 

Safes should be kept out of high heat and humidity. If you can avoid this, your goods have a much better chance of survival. 

Many safes use heaters and fans to regulate temperature. This may be a good investment if your safe is located in an area that involves high amounts of moisture and heat. Investing in this will be significantly cheaper than the damage that these elements can cause to your weapons. 

Many of the convertible gun safes/cabinets will also come with foam-covered shelves. This is an attempt to keep your weapons in good condition and scratch free. The foam can actually be a negative and avoided if possible. 

Foam is able to collect moisture! Moisture within a safe is a bad idea. Just like you should keep a safe out of humid locations, the moisture in the safe could possibly lead to issues. 

Your weapons may get wet and they might not function in the same way if they are damaged by this wet environment. 

  • Is not technically a safe

Most convertible gun safes are actually lockers. These have locks, but are not impossible to break into. They do not offer the same security as a safe but can be a secure temporary option for a variety of guns. 

Keeping this away from children and other people is imperative. There is no reason to put this in the open and show you have guns in a non-safe environment. 

Knowing your options is key in selecting a gun safe. Safes are important to have and invest in if you decide to keep guns in your home. People could take advantage of knowing you have guns and use it against you to bring harm.

 Unsecure guns are also a significant problem when it comes to accidents within the home! Many children may think that the guns are toys or will be curious as to what different things do. This could result in major accidents. 

Having knowledge of these will allow you to make a safe purchase that is right for you and your living situation! 


Member of the Eastern Nebraska Gun Club, firearm enthusiast and blogger.

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